Leah Rich

Author / Content Creator

About Me

Author / Content Creator 

I steward my passion for ministry through my work with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and by helping lead worship alongside my sister at our home church. I’m both a college student and a pastor’s daughter, residing in a small Tennessee town of about 1200 people. My high school graduating class consisted of only 26 students.

Fueled by my lifelong love of storytelling, I write inspirational pieces that reflect the heart of Christ. Due to my age, I find it easy to relate to my readers, walking alongside them and offering encouragement through these crucial years of their lives.

My motivation stems from my faith, my family, and my community. A current project dear to my heart is helping establish the Because of Billy Transitional Home, providing children within the county access to a safe and loving environment while awaiting placement after tragic circumstances.

Living intentionally - authentic ways to cultivate more out of life and relationships, centered around christ

Have you ever questioned whether your life is a by-product of circumstances or a reflection of God’s best? In a culture where “full” is often misunderstood, measured by social media followers, bank account balances, or the allure of material possessions, the elusive sense of fulfillment remains distant, leaving one feeling unwanted, disappointed, and dissatisfied.

In “Living Intentionally,” join me, Leah Rich, as I challenge the conventional definition of a fulfilled life. Maybe, just maybe, we’ve been seeking all the right things in all the wrong places.

This book is an invitation to start living purposefully, to embrace a better life—an intentional one. Filled with simple truths carrying profound power, “Living Intentionally” explores everyday choices and pursuits that can alter the course of your entire existence.

Drawing from personal experiences and Scripture-based wisdom, I guide you on the journey to attainable and profoundly rewarding intentional living. You have full permission to start truly loving your life, recognizing that you weren’t made to merely exist but to authentically and purposefully live.

Discover the transformation that awaits when you choose to live intentionally, embracing God’s best over life’s circumstances. It’s time to move beyond merely existing; you were made to truly live.

I love to collaborate. Let’s talk!

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